Saturday, July 17, 2010

What's up with skincare?

Guess where I wennnntttt- ON VACATION! yay!

Where I went: The Outerbanks in NC in a town called Corolla.
Who with: my entire family, 25 people in this hugeee house by the beach
Why did I come back: I reallly wanted to stay there forever, but alas, I'm a workaholic.

Yes, this is what I got to see everday!

While I was on vacation, I gave my poor skin a break. I'm always experimenting with makeup so it was time to put everything on hold and just focus on the canvas itself.

This is what I use once a week.

Important things to remember about skin and how to take care of it.

1. ALWAYS wear a sunscreen spf30 or above on your face. Yes, makeup acts as a layer of protection for your skin in the sun, however this should not replace sunscreen. There are plenty of moisturizers, oil free or not, that have spf in them.

2. Exfoliate once a week. Using this DermaNew system is great. It really helps to sloth of dead skin cells and leave your skin smooth and radiant. You can use a more gentle scrub everyday. Think St.Ive's apricot scrub for sensitive skin. This also helps when you're in the sun all day and begin to tan a bit. Exfoliating allows your skintone to even out and brighten.

3. For everyday use, don't use too many products. We're all guilty of this, using a cleanser, astringent or toner, than acne spot treatment and than moisturizer. It's too much. If you're acne prone like me, pick a cleanser that has an active acne medication in it like Salicylic Acid, than forget the toner and skip straight to the moisturizer. If all else fails, do see a dermatologist, they can really help to find out the root of your skin problems and pick a product that targets those issues.

4. A day or 2 a week without makeup is essential. Allow your skin to breathe and it will probably save you some serious mooolaaaa. Now that it is so hot, I rarely wear makeup to work. Moisturizer, mattiying gel, some mascara and that's it. Maybe I'll fill in my brows.

5. It's hard to avoid staying out of the sun, but it's not hard to stay out of a tanning bed! Those baby's are dangerous. Bronzed skin can look beautiful, but sunspots and leathery skin are not. A good bronzer in the right spots can make you look radiant all year round.

Peace, love and HAPPY skin
<3 Laurie

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